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36 Stones Meditation
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“Pat, you are an uncannily accurate psychic with the ability to see timing as well, a most unusual talent for a clairvoyant.  Your practical career advise has been invaluable!”
 Carolyn C.

“My husband and I had just started a new business when I met with Pat. I asked about the company and she accurately described the people involved and predicted several events over a period of a year. With each event she provided guidance and insight into the dynamic of each situation. What was completely amazing was that the time frame for each of the events matched our business plan time line. I would recommend Pat for any business situation. Her reading helped us tremendously.”
 Sandy H.,  NY

“I found Pat’s reading to be incredibly useful. I was having a difficulty with a relationship and just with their name, Pat was able to describe them, how they look at the world and most importantly, she provided me with the guidance I needed to help me in the relationship. The deep insight about this person truly helped me see my own life with much more clarity.”
 Ariana K.

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